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Zoning In On Zone 7

People visit garden centers or nurseries when plants are in their prime, resulting in impulse buying. This simple exchange can become a headache for both the customer and the garden center if the plant(s) fail to live.  The customer returns livid and demanding answers, to which the garden center associate reciprocates with a shrug because they do not have the education in plant care.

Proper Watering and Fertilization

Mitchells’ Employees are trained in proper plant care, so ensuing questions that might come off as condescending but are necessary for adequate assessment will follow.

1. Did you water your plant(s)? “Of course, I watered it. Do I look like an idiot?” 

2. Did you fertilize? “Yes!”

Pay attention to when and how much you water. We recommend watering four times a week in summer, provided there has not been ample rain to measure at least 1/2″ in the last several days.

Other recommendations include:

  • Investing in rain gauges to keep tabs on rain levels. 
  • Ensure someone waters your plants while you are away for long periods.
  • Water at least three times, let the water soak into the ground between waterings, and ensure it soaks thoroughly.
  • Fertilize in spring with a time-release fertilizer and again in July.


If the plants still die despite taking corrective measures, there is a good chance they are intended for something other than our zone. Educate yourself on plant tolerance and hardiness to a specific zone beforehand.  Zone maps are a start, but they provide a broad overview and can be misleading as two locations in the same zone vary significantly because of hills, amounts of sun, and the various terrain conditions or situations that could create microclimates.  For instance, living near a creek, one might see frost sooner because the relative humidity is higher near water. Living close to the bottom of a mountain, one might be sheltered from cooler temperatures or winds. When making annual garden preparations, knowledge of local elevation changes, natural water sources, drainage, forest cover, and other minor factors is valuable.

Keeping Tabs 

Keeping a journal is a valuable planning exercise for proper plant care. Make notations on temperatures, weather patterns,  annual frosts, etc, and compare data to the generalized planting guides of the USDA.  One can take this further, share their findings with others, and exchange information.  Also, be informed about pests or diseases in your area. 

Check your local extension office for advice on these issues. Each county in North Carolina has its extension agent. To find your local extension go to

Zone 7

Zone 7 is a temperate zone with generally mild summers and winters.  This is a pro and a con because some plants will flourish, and others will not grow well here. So, familiarize yourself with your zone. Learn about the climate, and make the most of the plants that thrive in your area. Think of native species to avoid frustration and unexpected care.