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(336)-983-4107 | 1088 W Dalton Rd, King, NC, 27021

About Our Plants:

Poinsettias and Geraniums

Mitchell's Nursery - Poinsettias

Mitchell’s Nursery and Greenhouse Grows thousands of poinsettias each year for sale during the holiday season. The process begins in August. By the middle of November, they are ready for sale.
Contact us about our poinsettia fundraising program for your church or organization.

Mitchell's Nursery - Poinsettias
Mitchell's Nursery - Poinsettias
Mitchell's Nursery - Princettia White Poinsettia

Poinsettia Care

With good care, a poinsettia should be beautiful for 2-3 months.

Poinsettias are tropical plants that should be kept above 50 degrees (Preferably Temps between 65°F – 70°F)

They should be kept in a warm vehicle until you get home, not in a trunk or in the back of a truck.

Place the Poinsettia in a well-lit area away from drafts and heat in your home.

Water the Poinsettia when the pot becomes lightweight, about once a week.

Water the plant thoroughly in a sink, letting it drain, before returning it where it was.

If the Poinsettia is wrapped in foil, tilt the plant, carefully hold the rootball, and pour the excess into the sink.

November – December:

Enjoy the Poinsettia for the Holidays!


Allow the plant to go dormant.


Prune back the Poinsettia and begin watering and fertilizing.


Allow your Poinsettia to get plenty of bright light. To begin with, you may put it outside in a protected area and then gradually move it into full sun so that it will receive plenty of light. Continue to water and fertilize. You may want to pinch the tops to encourage more branching out.


You will want to begin shortening your plants’ light exposure. Bring them inside, place the cardboard box over them, or put them into a closet at night and increase their dark period to 12 hours per night. Decrease watering just a bit until the bracts are fully colored. At that time, you can increase their light exposure and resume regular watering but do not fertilize after the bracts are colored.

 Enjoy your Poinsettia for another holiday season!

Mitchell's Nursery - Easter

Mitchell’s Nursery & Greenhouse grows around 18,000 geraniums each spring. Other seasonal favorites include Easter Lilies, mums, and azaleas.