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(336)-983-4107 | 1088 W Dalton Rd, King, NC, 27021

Additional Products:

Soil, Amendments and Mulches

Mitchell's Nursery - Schultz Potting Soil

Old Castle / Jolly Gardner soils and mulches

  • Pro Line Custom Growing Mix HydraFiber® C/6 $15.99
  • Pine mulch $4.79 + tax (2 cu.ft.)
  • Pine Bark Mini Nuggets $4.79 + tax (2 cu.ft.)
  • Pine Bark Nuggets $4.79 + tax (2 cu.ft.)
  • No Float Cypress blend $4.79 + tax (2 cu.ft.)
Mitchell's Nursery - Daddy Pete's Manure

Daddy Pete’s Soils and Amendments

  • Cow manure $6.99 (50lb)
  • Planting mix $5.99 (25qt.)
  • Planting mix $7.99 (2cu.ft.)
  • Lawn & Garden $6.99 (1.5cu.ft.)
  • Raised bed $7.99 (1.5cu.ft.)
  • Potting Soil $7.99 (25qt)
  • Potting Soil $11.99 (50qt.)

soils, amendments and mulches

Mitchells offers a full line of soils, amendments and mulches, and other amendments year-round. Soils help your plants, trees, and shrubs get off to the best start possible. Mulches help protect them from summer drought and winter cold.

Daddy Pete’s products are locally produced and organic. Old Castle / Jolly Gardener products are coming from South Carolina to keep it close to home.


Mitchell's Nursery - Soil and Mulch