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(336)-983-4107 | 1088 W Dalton Rd, King, NC, 27021

About Our Plants:


Replacement Policy

We strive to provide the best container-grown trees and shrubs available. These plants should be properly planted and cared for upon purchase, thoroughly watered, kept watered, and fertilized as needed.

If you experience loss of your purchased plant, You must bring the plant and your receipt back to the nursery within

1 YEAR from the purchase date. We will give a 50% credit of the purchase price toward the purchase of another plant of equal or greater value.

This does not apply to any tropicals or plants sold in trays or quarts including all annuals in any container type.

Does not apply to Landscape & contractor purchases or special orders.

Jim, Judy, & Jay Mitchell

Our nursery is licensed and inspected by the North Carolina Department of Agriculture. Our license number is


Planting Instructions
It is important not to plant your new tree or shrub too deeply. Be sure to keep the root ball slightly above ground level and do not cover the top with soil or mulch. This will lead to root rot. When backfilling your hole, be sure to pull soil around the edges but not over the top of the root ball.