Everyone is talking about native plants these days. Most people do not know the difference between native and non-native plants. Some believe that if you see a plant growing in the wild, it is native. That is not necessarily true. There are many plants that have established themselves among our native plants and trees that were introduced from foreign countries somewhere in the past.
Native simply means that something has been part of a particular area for as long as man has been documenting plant discoveries. Kudzu is an invasive species originating in Asia although it has been growing here for quite some time.
For example, in North Carolina, you are likely to see mimosa trees growing along the edge of wooded areas and roadsides. However, North Carolina is not home to these trees. They are considered an invasive species because they were introduced here in 1745 from Asia. Due to their adaptability, they spread quickly and rob native plants of the light, nutrients, and space to grow efficiently. Why don’t you see mimosa trees growing within most state parks? That is because of their invasive status.
Invasive plants threaten biodiversity in the United States. Native animals and insects feed and grow on native plants. If invasive plants are left to spread, they will eventually choke out many native plant species. In turn, this will deplete the area of natural food sources and nesting habitats for native animal life.
The growing interest in native plants is bringing hope to many. If you research before landscaping, you can find native alternatives to most things.
Many people will ask for red maple and then get upset when their red maple has green leaves. Most of the maple trees you see in peoples’ yards are indeed a variety of Japanese maple. Native red maples are only red in the fall after changing colors and dropping their leaves for winter. While red maples are native to our area, most of the ones that are red all year are not.
There are several more native trees you may have overlooked in your search for the perfect addition to your landscape, such as oak, river birch, and the Slender Silhouette Sweet Gum. Though you may associate native with common, that is a misconception, as they are not so commonly used in a landscape plan. Many are underutilized in a manicured setting, and that is a shame because all natives have a unique personality that is capable of lending a wow factor to any landscape plan.
If you are looking for an ornamental tree, there are three natives to consider. The redbud tree is a native that most are familiar with. In the spring, it offers beautiful blooms and interesting, heart-shaped foliage. There are many redbud varieties; the Carolina Sweetheart Redbud foliage is variegated, Ruby Falls and Forest Pansy are purple, and Rising Sun is yellow and gold. Redbuds provide visual interest all summer.
Dogwood is another native that is growing in popularity among homeowners. Its gorgeous spring blooms, interesting shapes, fall and winter red berries, and growth patterns definitely make this native tree a winner every time.
We must not forget the southern favorite, the magnolia. You can’t go wrong with its large, fragrant white blooms and dark green, waxy foliage, which is present year-round.
Native plants support native wildlife and keep the ecosystem balanced and happy. This, in turn, keeps native food sources plentiful and thriving. This circle of life that we are all a part of is a delicate balancing act. When invasive species of any kind are introduced, it can upset the entire circle.
Plant nativeness is plant happiness!