When the temperatures drop substantially, gardens can falter. Outdoor gardens, that is. With the help of a few environmental amenities, your indoor garden can become a wonderful source of nutrition, aid in maintaining good mental health and keep your hands nimble for the spring and summer.
What you’ll need:
Containers with good drainage
Drainage Plates
Potting Soil or Garden Soil free from pesticides and slow-release chemicals ( We recommend Daddy Pete’s)
Lukewarm Water (very hot or cold water will shock the roots)
Grow lights (We recommend Ferry-Morse Indoor Grow Light Fixture with T5 Bulb)
Best Leafy Green Veggies to Grow Indoors:
Swiss Chard
Bok Choy
Leafy greens are amongst the easiest edible plants to grow indoors. Most leafy greens germinate between 40 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. It is important to grow your leafy greens in nutrient-rich soil. It is also crucial to the health of your plants that you get a container with good drainage. It is not good for leafy greens to sit in watery soil because it can lead to root rot and certain plant diseases. Growing lights will also help your leafy green grow big and strong! We recommend seedling starter lights in particular because it is not as intense. Too much light can burn young plants. Try not to grow your plants near a cold draft; your plants will do best in an environment with consistent warmth.
Best Herbs to Grow Indoors:
Lemon Balm
Lemon Basil
Herbs are fun to grow indoors (especially in your kitchen) because they are easily accessible for cooking and bring some vibrancy and fresh air into your home. Personally, I enjoy using thyme, cilantro, oregano, mint, and basil the most in my recipes. One of my favorite fresh snacks to prepare are thick sliced Roma tomatoes drizzled with virgin olive oil, salt, pepper, cajun spice, fresh chopped basil, and dried oregano. You can also use herbs to make sauces (fresh basil pizza sauce is amazing!), soups, flavor meats, and even make delicious teas. Herbs may be a little more difficult to maintain over time, but it can definitely be done, especially if you grow your herbs from seed and they are used to your specific environment. They also need a good amount of light or they will get leggy and tall. Your goal with basil is to have clusters or bunches of leaves that continue to get wider as opposed to getting taller. When picking leaves, try to pick from the top of the plant so that the new growth will be encouraged to bush out. Cilantro needs plenty of water and sunlight to prosper. Chives, parsley, dill, oregano, and mint are pretty much the easiest plants you can grow. They usually prosper with little upkeep. Mint thrives in both full sun and partial sun.
Pro Tip: Talk to your Plants!
Many scientists have researched the effects of vocal vibrations (speech) on the growth rate of plants and have found that female voices tend to most greatly influence a faster growth rate than male vocals or silence. It’s good to talk to your plants!
Growing your own leafy greens and herbs can be such a rewarding and revitalizing experience. With a little TLC, watch as the seeds you plant grow big and strong, providing sustenance for both your mind and body.
Our lovely friend Amy Dixon, who covers Home & Garden for the Winston-Salem Journal, wrote an awesome article about growing microgreens indoors! Please check out the article by clicking here!
Happy Growin’!