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A”hoy”a! Learning how to grow Hoya

Many different types of hoya can be grown but we will take the next few minutes to focus on how to grow the hoya rope plant. A.K.A  Hindu Rope Plant, or hoya rope plant. The leaves of the rope plant grow long. Usually, to about 1 to 1.5 ft. at maturity, twisting and turning along a vining stem.  All hoya plants start as small cuttings that grow to be somewhat bushy. Then, as the plant matures it will grow longer, vining up to 6 ft long. 


Bright indirect light is the very best for blooms. If you sit your hoya in a window that receives too much direct light or let the leaves of your hoya touch the glass this may cause the leaves to burn. If you have a space that is not directly in front of the window, but still receives ample light, that is where your rope hoya will find true happiness. You can even put your hoya outside in the summertime as long as it is not sitting in full sun all day long. The morning sun or dappled sun is the best outside. 


Hoyas are semi-succulents. Therefore, the leaves are thick and fleshy so that they may store water for extended periods. It is best to only water your hoya when the soil gets dry. This will vary as the heat and humidity within your home may vary from day to day. This is why it is always best to check the soil before you water. Usually, every 1.5 to 2 weeks is sufficient. However, during the winter it will be dormant and won’t be using much water, so you may be able to water it about once a month or even every month and a half. If you notice that the leaves of your hoya are starting to wrinkle check the soil, it is probably time to water it.

Water from the bottom if you prefer. Simply run just a little water in your sink and let your hoya sit in the water for about 15 minutes then let the water out of the sink and let the hoya drain for another 15 minutes. This is a great way to water many plants.

Plant your hoya in a succulent medium or add some pea gravel at the bottom of your pot and add sand to your soil to provide drainage and some aeration for the roots. 

To Mist or Not to Mist:

Hoyas do love humidity. However, an average home has enough humidity for them to do fine. But, misting your hoya once a week during the hotter months or during the winter when your heat will lower the humidity in your home it will benefit from that too. 

Overall, the hoya rope plant will be a good fit in any home, including yours!